Computer based examination is gaining popularity in recent times. Many entrance exams are computer based exams. Digitization around the globe has altered everything including education. It is making the examination process easier for examination authorities and teachers. Competitive exams are online-based as they offer numerous benefits. Teachers and students are familiar with this concept.
Technology is offering new opportunities for innovation in education. A computer based test is one of those. Rapid change is desirable as it is making test creation and assessment tasks easier. Also, it helps give formative feedback and summative testing. It is playing an instrumental role in enhancing student outcomes and encouraging students towards learning. These tests are monitored on a computer, it includes multiple-choice questions, true-false and match items.
Nowadays, with the advancement of technology examiners based on multiple languages incorporate multimedia elements as well. In the current scenario, the primary concern of the educator was to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the exam. However, online CBT exams eliminate the chances of cheating and fraud. Also, it is helpful in recruitment as well. Many organizations are relying on the cbt mode exam for unbiased hiring. It streamlines the recruitment process.
How does a computer based exam work?
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Step 1. Application Registration
Step 2. Centre Allocation
Step 3. Generating Hall Ticket
Step 4. Question Paper Creation
Step 5. Test on Computer
Step 6. Result Declaration
Advantages of the computer based examination
Educational institutes are exploring the benefits of computer based exams which are helping them in improving their examination process. Also, it is helping in evaluating the skills of the candidate. Here are the advantages of the computer based exam which are as follows:
Budget saving: Conducting an offline exam requires a lot of money, the budget depends on the printing and the distribution of the exam. It requires substantial funds. With cbt exam, it will reduce the amount of printing and distribution of exams and that amount can be used for other factors.
Minimize the risk of cheating: Cheating during the computer based exam is difficult because it is highly secure and there will be someone who will be keeping an eye on you. A student is not allowed to access any web browser.
Multiple test administration: Students can take multiple tests. The information collected can quadrate with the standards. Educators can use the data for determining trends for program improvement. Data can be exported from LMS for evaluation.
Dynamic and individualized assessment: Tests can be personalized for individual students. The difficulty level will be based on the responses of the student. Students can give exams through skype or facetime which permits instructors to reach out.
Immediate feedback: You can get scores instantly and it permits students to check their performance in the assessment. It enables critical learning. Online assessment depends on the design which will help learners to see the areas of improvement.
Helps with open-ended assessment: open-ended assessments take time to grade. Rubric extensions automate the scoring and communication with the students.
Feedback: It permits educators to give proper feedback in a personalized manner. An online assessment provides faster feedback. It offers rich and qualitative information on students’ performance.
Disadvantages of computer based examination
Though online computer based exams come with a lot of advantages there are a few disadvantages that you shouldn’t be avoiding. Here are some disadvantages which are as follows:
You cannot write on screen: In the traditional examination, you are allowed to write on the sheet or do some rough work, but in the online exam you are not allowed to write on the sheet. No rough work is allowed on the sheet.
Difficult to navigate: It is difficult to navigate computer based exams, for instance, if you have missed out on something, you cannot come back and complete it.
Computer glitch: It might happen that in the middle of the exam the computer shuts down. All you have to do is to reappear for it again.
Error in the content: There may be a problem with the content. For example, there might be a problem in the dimensions or the alignment. You should make sure that nothing is missed out.
Keeping an eye on a computer screen: Many people don't like sitting in front of a computer screen for long hours. It makes your mind go blank for some time. All you need to do is to be prepared for attempting the exam.
Hence, a cbt exam is the best alternative for maintaining the authenticity of the exam. Also, it is making the evaluation process simple. Many organizations and universities are dependent on the computer based exam on the mass level. Also, many companies are offering a prominent solution for conducting seamless examinations. They are the helping hand of the educational institutes for enhancing the better way of learning. Assessment is an effective tool to measure the ability of the student. Technology provides many solutions for keeping learning ongoing and its appropriate use.