Having a website for your blog is crucial for businesses especially now that everything is going digital. Blogging when integrated with your website will help generate sales as the content written in blogs helps with keyword rankings and boosts your SEO rank. Blogs on the website can be related to your product/service, it’s benefits, why you should be chosen over your competitors, etc. In this article, we’re going to list 13 such tips and tricks that will increase your blog's visibility that would definitely benefit you and your business.
Tips and tricks on how to increase your blogs visibility -
There are 2 main ways in which you can boost your blogs visibility and they’re –
- Organically - Growing your business without any form of paid promotions.
- Inorganically - Growing your business through paid promotions.
The tips which are shared in this article are going to be a mix of both these aspects to grow your business and your blogs.
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13 Tips To Growing Your Blog –
1. Setting well defined goals for your blog -
Every business must begin with a clear vision of what they’re trying to achieve. Did you know that many consumers learn about a company through their blogs! Know what you’d like to achieve so that you can connect with your audiences quicker. Ask questions like why are you writing this article? Who are you writing it for? What value does your article bring to the end consumer? What action do you want your readers to take after reading the blog?
2. Think about the blog user experience -
Spend time thinking about how the user sees your blog. While not all blogs must look the same or use the same features, there must be some sort of balance and uniformity across your blogs. You can either hire professional web designers to help you in this area or consider a high quality Word press theme from StudioPress. Pay attention to the small details such as text size, avoid clutter, design elements which are consistent with your brand identity, all these things are important in making the user experience better.
3. Plan your content -
Writing about whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it is not the right way of blogging. Make a weekly/monthly plan about the kind of content you want to write about and eventually post on your blog. When content is well curated and planned out, it shows in the execution. Try posting at least once in the week so that your audience doesn’t forget who you are.
Must Read: Is Content Freshness a Ranking Factor?
4. Explore and write on certain key topics -
When we talk about consumers and why they should be inclined to read your blog, put yourself in their shoes. Why would you read a blog when compared to some other blog? Does a blog solve your problem, provide you with an effective solution? Does it answer questions and write from that perspective. Noone wants to read a blog that’s only ranting about problems without giving solutions. Think of the value you add to your readers' time and why they should spend time on your blog.
5. Know your audience -
Bloggers who target multiple audience demographics will have content that’s all over the place and potentially result in your content not being shareable. Knowing who your target audience is and specifically targeting them will help in visibility. Think of your TA’s gender, age group, location, the more you specify the better you can target and write for them.
6. Make it look attractive -
Make your content eye pleasing by adding relevant photos and videos to your blogs. Don’t overuse videos and photos as that could have the opposite effect unless it’s there for a purpose and makes sense. Many people will find your blogs through social media and images are more likely to be shared than written text.
7. Updating and keeping content relevant -
Sometimes, getting rid of content that isn’t adding to your content or isn’t making any sense anymore is the best strategy to gaining an audience. Another strategy is, if you have an old blog post that is still relevant and has a high viewing rate, change the blog's date of publishing and tweak it a little bit and then reblish the same article. Share it on social media and other platforms as you would with any new blog post.
8. Use keywords to increase your blogs search results -
Google doesn’t just notice good websites, it also notices relevant pages or blogs which are related to specific searches. When writing a blog use high ranking keywords to boost your blog and on page SEO. Conduct in-depth keyword research and add a few meta tags. You can use various online tools such as SEMRush, Google Adwords Keyword tool, Word tracker, etc.
9. Using topic generating tools -
We know how difficult it is to keep curating content and keep thinking of innovative titles which is why we recommend that you use HubSpots content generating tool. Simply put in a few keywords and get ideas based on that. There may be a few grammatical and terminology mistakes as this isn’t 100% accurate so make sure that you tweak it your way and don’t just blindly copy paste. This is a great way of getting your creative juices flowing to help when ideas are few.
10. Creating viral content -
Every blogger wants to make content which goes viral but we all know that it doesn’t always happen that way. The secret to making viral content is using a great headline. People are more likely to open your blog/article if it comes with a catchy headline. The next step is getting the length right. Posts which are 1000 words or more are more likely to be shared. Longer posts means more shareable content and more opportunities for SEO which could mean a higher conversion rate. Longer posts are also better for backlinks and organic leads. Professional SEO services can create an organic link-building strategy for you to show your content to more people and rank higher on Google results.
11. Mobile friendly blogs -
Smartphones are the new trend. People spend more time on their phones than any other technology and so make sure that your blog can be read easily on any smartphone. Fail to do so and you’ll lose on your audiences who would’ve otherwise read your blog but had to switch because it wasn’t easy to read on their phones.
12. Sharing your blog -
The best way to reach more audiences is by publishing your content on all relevant social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram, Pinterest, any social media platform that makes sense to you and your brand. Another great way of sharing your content is by doing so on Youtube. Embedding youtube videos with your article can help you to make apart from your competitors. When you use videos in blog posts, your post becomes more effective and engaging. You can scale your blog traffic using youtube videos. To support your main website you can start with creating a youtube channel which will bring more traffic and help you to earn extra money. You can even use paid promotions on social media platforms to gain more visibility.
13. Install Google Analytics and study it’s result -
Google Analytics is a free tool and is also the most commonly used tool to track the success of your blog/website. Google Analytics reports will let you see which of your blogs are most popular, how much time do visitors spend reading your posts, which campaigns are doing well and which aren’t. Studying all these will help you get better visibility for your brand and help you in generating content that works.
In Conclusion
Creating a blog is easy, writing relevant content and gaining visibility is the hard part and it takes time. Don’t expect results in days. There’s a lot of content and information available online and getting audiences to always click on your blog posts is difficult and a time consuming process so we suggest that if you are a new blogger, then don’t give up, these tips will surely help you in gaining visibility and a better reach.